Friday, December 31, 2010
Perception story: Roxanne and Courtney Jump to the Wrong Conclusions
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Roxanne and Courtney Jump to the Wrong Conclusions.”
B. Story Description: The idea for this role-play came from three of my former seventh-grade students. It starts with a he said/she said situation where Roxanne and Courtney give this girl no chance to explain her side of the story. Instead they simply choose to believe the worst. Then there will be a re-role-play showing how the situation should actually have been handled. This role-play is called “Roxanne and Courtney Jump to the Wrong Conclusions.”
Click PERCEPTION STORY to read the entire story on
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Perception role-play: Clever Angie Thinks Fast
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Clever Angie Thinks Fast.”
Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by a teacher who wished to remain anonymous. This is a love triangle story that actually happened to her when she was in the eighth grade. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Perception story: Clever Angie Thinks Fast
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Clever Angie Thinks Fast.”
B. Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by a teacher who wished to remain anonymous. This is a love triangle story that actually happened to her when she was in the eighth grade. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire story on
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mini Lesson Plan: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources (grades 6-8)
This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Perception writing assignment: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources
After reading the story called "Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources," get your students to respond to the following questions. Links to the lesson plan included at the end of the article.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Friday, November 19, 2010
Perception role-play: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
Story Description: This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Perception story: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
B. Story Description: This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire story on
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Mini Lesson Plan: Jessica’s Painful Experience (grades 6-8)
This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Perception role-play: Finding Jessica’s Jigsaw Puzzle Piece
Note to Teacher: Make certain that students have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil ready to be used in the last part of the role-play.
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Finding Jessica’s Jigsaw Puzzle Piece.”
Story Description: This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.
Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on
Monday, November 15, 2010
Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Jessica’s Painful Experience
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Perception story: Jessica’s Painful Experience
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jessica’s Painful Experience.”
B. Story Description: This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.
Click PERCEPTION to read the story on
Monday, November 1, 2010
Creative Writing: Compose Group Role-Play to Say Nice things instead of Mean
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire set of directions on
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Mini Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 4-8): Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on
Friday, October 29, 2010
Perception writing assignment: Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Perception role-play: Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.”
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Frogs And Newts Or Gold Coins.”
Story Description: You each have a lot of personal power. The words you say are extremely powerful and have the power to harm or the power to heal or somewhere in between. This is illustrated in the story called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.” It is adapted from a Grimm’s Fairy Tale that you will hear told as part of this story. Please sit back and enjoy “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.”
Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Perception story: Frogs And Newts Or Gold Coins
I. Read Perception story: Frogs And Newts Or Gold Coins
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Frogs And Newts Or Gold Coins.”
B. Story Description: You each have a lot of personal power. The words you say are extremely powerful and have the power to harm or the power to heal or somewhere in between. This is illustrated in the story called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.” It is adapted from a Grimm’s Fairy Tale that you will hear told as part of this story. Please sit back and enjoy “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.”
Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
© 1999 by Debbie Dunn
Links to all 3 chapters for Frogs And Newts Or Gold Coins
Chapter 1 of 3 –Derrick and Tonya wreak havoc in the house
Chapter 2 of 3 –Two Girls and the Three Gnomes - A Grimm’s Fairy Tale re-told by Debbie Dunn
Chapter 3 of 3–Derrick and Tonya make changes in their lives
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mini Lesson Plan: A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother (Grades 3-6)
After reading the Mediation story called “A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother,” students will take part in a variety of follow-up activities to enhance the learning experience.
Here is a lesson you can use to help teach about how the Mediation process works for grades 3 to 6. It is also a lesson that teaches a way to compromise with each other so you can come up with a WIN-WIN solution that pleases both disputants. Third-grader Ellen wanted to eat chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Her mother insisted on serving her a more nourishing breakfast. Ellen was so disappointed about her breakfast choice that she only ate a few bites, glared at her mother, and refused to give her a hug and kiss good-bye before leaving for school. At lunchtime, Ellen visited the guidance counselor to request a Mediation session after school that day with her mother. The guidance counselor called up Ellen’s mother. She definitely agreed to come. Read the story to hear what WIN-WIN agreement got worked out between mother and daughter.
Click MEDIATION to read the entire lesson plan on
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mini Lesson Plan: Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon (grades 6-8)
After reading the Perception story called “Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon,” students will take part in some follow-up activities to enhance the learning experience. This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by one of my past seventh-grade students about two girls who liked the same guy. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on
YouTube Video: Ned and Nan Kick Their CAN'Ts Away
Ned and Nan are 5th and 4th grade bullies. Find out how 100 golden birds help them to make a better choice. This story is a spin-off tale to David Holt's Freedom Bird story. It is re-told by Professional Storyteller Debbie Dunn.
YouTube Video: Ned and Nan Kick Their CAN'Ts Away re-told by Debbie Dunn
This is one of three stories Debbie Dunn performs for Elementary School students as part of her "Be Bully Free" program. For more information, please visit
YouTube Video: Grandmother Frog's Magic Bully Buster Song
Fuzzy Rabbit learns how to protect himself from Fancy Fox's bullying by using Grandmother Frog's Magic Bully Buster Song.
Part 1 of 2 Video: Grandmother Frog's Magic Bully Buster Song
Part 2 of 2 Video: Grandmother Frog's Magic Bully Buster Song
This is one of three stories Debbie Dunn performs for Elementary School students as part of her "Be Bully Free" program. For more information, please visit
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Perception role-play: Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon
Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-plays to print for classroom use. It is called “Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon.”
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon.”
Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by one of my past seventh-grade students about two girls who liked the same guy. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Perception story: Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon.”
B. Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by one of my past seventh-grade students about two girls who liked the same guy. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire story on
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8): Six Blind Men and the Elephant
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on
Friday, October 15, 2010
Perception Game (grades 3 to 8)
This is a spin-off game based on the discussion questions for the story called “Six Blind Men and the Elephant.”
The goal of this game is to demonstrate that sometimes we make an assumption that we know what someone must be feeling by the visual and verbal cues that we perceive. A lot of the time, we have gotten a totally wrong impression and therefore, base our reaction on this misinformation.
Link to the downloadable 30 Perception Cards included in article.
Click PERCEPTION GAME to read the article and download the free Perception Cards on
Perception writing assignment: Six Blind Men and the Elephant
Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Perception tale called “Six Blind Men and the Elephant.”
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Best Review - Top 20 Chapters & Role-plays From Creative Master's Thesis About Christopher Columbus
This is part of a master’s thesis about the life and times of Christopher Columbus for use with fifth-grade social studies students entitled “Travel through time with the Story Genie: A Christopher Columbus unit. This is also appropriate for grades 3 & 4.
Click CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS to visit these top twenty Christopher Columbus articles from my college thesis at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review - Top 5 Laws About Underage Drinking And Smoking At Parties
Here are article series about underage drinking and smoking at Halloween or other parties.
The first series includes three articles about underage drinking at parties attended by teens. The second series includes two articles about underage smoking at parties attended by teens.
These articles are also about how teens can deal with peer pressure to drink or smoke.
Click UNDERAGE DRINKING AND SMOKING to visit these top five underage drinking and smoking articles at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Perception writing assignment: Six Blind Men and the Elephant
Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Perception tale called “Six Blind Men and the Elephant.”
Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Six Blind Men and the Elephant
There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Six Blind Men and the Elephant," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.
Click PERCEPTION to read the article on
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Perception skit: Six Blind People and the Elephant
After reading the story called “Six Blind Men and the Elephant,” then have students participate in a skit activity called “Six Blind People and the Elephant.”
A. Link to that Perception story called “Six Blind Men and the Elephant.”
Link to that Perception video called "Six Blind Men and the Elephant."
Story Description: When conflict arises, we have two options. We can choose to continue the conflict or to problem-solve. This parable from India deals with times when people misinterpret what is really going on and they jump to the wrong conclusions. In the case of this particular story, six blind men encounter an elephant. Listen for how each blind man perceives what an elephant looks like.
Click PERCEPTION ROLE-PLAY to read the skit directions on
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Perception Tale: Six Blind Men and the Elephant
This is a parable from India that is re-told by Debbie Dunn.
When conflict arises, we have two options. We can choose to continue the conflict or to problem-solve. This parable from India deals with times when people misinterpret what is really going on and they jump to the wrong conclusions. In the case of this particular story, six blind men encounter an elephant. Listen for how each blind man perceives what an elephant looks like.
Click PERCEPTION to read the story on
Best Review – Top 12 Classroom Management and Conflict Resolution Teacher Tips
When children misbehave in your classroom, it disturbs the peace of mind of the teacher and his or her fellow classmates. It also disrupts the learning environment. When children enter your classroom already feeling conflicted from a negative interpersonal interaction that happened in the hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, school playground, school bus, or at home, you might find it useful to implement some of the tips and suggestions included in these articles.
Click TEACHER TIPS to visit these top twelve Classroom Management and Conflict Resolution Teacher Tips articles at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review – Top 12 Be Bully Free tips for K-8
Should you, your child, your friends, or other family members be subjected to bullying, there are 12 actions that can really help. Although each action is helpful, it is best to do a combination of these tips to really avoid being the target of bullies.
For example, using good posture around bullies instead of slumping is helpful; however that one technique alone will not discourage a person determined to be a bully. You need to combine that action with making eye contact with the bully instead of looking down or away. In addition, as the lyrics to the “My Bully Buster Song” suggests below, it is helpful to smile and laugh instead of frown or cry. Additionally, it is always helpful to remember to take at least one deep calming breath. This sends oxygen to your brain. Suddenly, your wonderful brain will supply you with the ideal words to say or the optimal technique to try next.
Lyrics to My Bully Buster Song
Stand up straight, Baby, don’t you slump.
Look ‘em in the eyes, Baby, not at your feet.
Smile and breathe. Smile and breathe.
Smile, Baby. Smile, Baby. Smile and breathe!
Click BE BULLY FREE to visit these top twelve Be Bully Free articles at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
Best Review – Top 5 Self-Mentoring Lesson Plans (grades 6 to 8)
Do you wish to teach your middle school students about some great ways to self-mentor themselves when they are feeling stressed? Here are the links to five lesson plans that could help.
Click SELF-MENTORING to visit these top five Self-Mentoring lesson plans at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review – Top 4 Fight or Flight Lesson Plans (grades 6 to 8)
Do you wish to teach your middle school students about some great ways to deal with their fight or flight instincts? Here are the links to four lesson plans that could help.
Click FIGHT OR FLIGHT to visit these top four Fight or Flight lesson plans at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review – Top 4 Diplomacy Lesson Plans (grades 6 To 8)
Do you wish to teach your middle school students about using I Messages and some great ways to be diplomatic with each other and with authority figures? Here are the links to four lesson plans that could help.
Click DIPLOMACY to visit these top four Diplomacy lesson plans at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review – Top 5 Communication Skills Lesson Plans (grades 6 to 8)
Do you wish to teach your middle school students about using good communication skills techniques? Students will also learn the difference between responsible reporting and tattling or snitching. Here are the links to five lesson plans that could help.
Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to visit these top five Communication Skills lesson plans at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.
Best Review – Top 4 Basic Needs Lesson Plans (grades 6 To 8)
Do you wish to teach your middle school students about some great ways to deal with getting their basic needs fulfilled? Here are the links to four lesson plans that could help.
Click BASIC NEEDS to visit these top four Basic Needs lesson plans at
Click TOP TEN REVIEWER should you wish to post a top ten reviewer site of your very own. This site was created by James Colin from and She Told
You can view the rest of my reviews by clicking Debbie Dunn’s Most Recent Tops.