Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to Help Heal Relationships With Contrary Co-workers, Bosses, In-laws, and Acquaintances

Do you have an awkward or unpleasant relationship with a contrary co-worker, boss, in-law, friend, or acquaintance? Most likely, you have found yourself focusing on the idiosyncrasies of this person that makes him or her unpleasant to be around or to work with; however, you have to see that person on a frequent basis. Here are some steps you can take to help heal and soothe that relationship.

Click HEAL RELATIONSHIPS to read the entire article on

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to use skits to teach students to stop fidgeting - Skit 13 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is don't fidget.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach students to keep an adequate distance when they talk - Skit 12 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is keep an adequate distance from other people when you talk. In other words, don't invade their personal space.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach students to talk using the appropriate rate of speech - Skit 11 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is speak with a good rate of speech: not too fast or too slow.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach students to use a clear speech - Skit 10 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is use clear speech when they talk.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach students to use a normal pitch when they talk - Skit 9 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is use a normal pitch when they talk: not too high or too low.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

Monday, January 18, 2010

Good-Bye, Denise posted on

This is 1 of 2 Stories Honoring Black History Month and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This story is a piece of historical fiction. The friend of Denise exists only in the author’s imagination. My purpose in writing this story is to promote discussions among school children of an actual event of history. I hope that they will begin to become aware of what type of atrocities was committed not that long ago. The young children of today are condemned to repeat history if they cannot learn from it. This story is written in graphic style to force the listeners and readers to think and become more aware.

When I was in 5th grade, in 1969, one of my school friends died on the last day of school. She was hit by a car and died instantly. It was my first real experience with death. My friends and I were very upset and confused!

Six years earlier, in 1963, one fifth-grade girl and three eighth-grade girls died in a church in Birmingham, Alabama. They were killed by a bomb! Read what happened from the perspective of Denise’s best friend in this historical fiction tale.

Click on DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR to read the entire story on

Picture info: This is the book cover for the 1990 out-of-print book that I self-published under my former married name: Debbie Rauch. My illustrator was Dusty Araujo.

Two Brothers and M.L. posted on

This is 1 of 2 Stories Honoring Black History Month and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Have you ever had your parents say that you could never again play with one of your friends? That is what really occurred many years ago in 1935. It happened to a six-year-old boy who later became very famous. Read on and see if you can guess who it is.

This historical fiction story highlights words spoken to M.L. by his mother and the mother of his two best friends. The conversations between the white mother and her sons and the reactions of the white boys are a product of the author’s imagination.

Click on DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR to read the entire story on

Picture info: This is the book cover for the 1990 out-of-print book that I self-published under my former married name: Debbie Rauch. My illustrator was Dusty Araujo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to use skits to teach students to use a normal volume when they talk – Skit 8 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is to speak using a normal volume – not to loud and not to soft.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach students to stay on the subject – Skit 7 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is stay on the subject.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach about being careful about the way you speak – Skit 6 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is be careful about the way they speak.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach about being better turn-takers when they talk – Skit 5 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is take turns talking and listening.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to prepare for Subcutaneous Port implanted for chemo treatments

Should you have breast cancer or some other condition requiring chemo treatments, a Subcutaneous Port can be your friend. Another name for a Subcutaneous Port is Sub Q Port. One woman who is in her third round of chemo treatments refused to have a Sub Q Port implanted the first time around. Some of her veins collapsed and she suffered needless pain. She went through the Sub Q Port operation for rounds two and three of chemo.

What is a Subcutaneous Port?

The Sub Q port is implanted underneath the collar bone above the healthy breast. It is about the size of a quarter. The narrow tubing, called a catheter, is implanted into the Subcutaneous vein near the lung. Using a Huber Needle, chemo will be inserted directly into the Sub Q Port. The chemo will run through the Sub Q Port, through the catheter tube, and into the veins. This saves your arm from being stuck over and over again with a needle.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

How to choose between Wigs for Kids or Locks of Love Hair Donation

Your hair has grown long enough and you are thinking about getting it cut. If you have at least ten inches of hair to spare, why not donate it to either Wigs for Kids or Locks of Love so that kids who have lost their hair due to cancer, burns, or alopecia areata can wear a wig made of real hair? So now the big decision is, how do you choose between those two groups? Which organization would you rather donate your hair to?

Years ago, I donated 26 inches of hair to Wigs for Kids. My hair is long enough that I can now donate 24 inches of hair this time around. Do I send my hair to Wigs for Kids again, or do I send it to Locks of Love instead? Here is what I learned about both groups.

Click DONATING HAIR to read the entire article on

How to donate hair to Oil Spills program

If you own or work at a hair salon, you can donate cut hair and the hair you sweep up from the floor to the Hair for Oil Spills Program that is part of the organization called Matter of Or perhaps you are a busy mother who cuts the hair of your entire family. Rather than throwing that hair away, wouldn’t you like to do something to help our environment?

The group called “Matter of Trust” will weave together all excess hair into a hair mat that helps soak up oil when there is an oil spill. Since there are hundreds of oil spills every year, just think what a difference your donated hair clippings will make.

They will also take pet hair, old nylon stockings with or without runs, waste wool, feathers, and natural fiber donors. See how this program works.

Click DONATE HAIR to read the entire article on

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port

Sub Q Port aka Subcutaneous Port created with Powerpoint and Art Explosion Publisher Pro Silver by Debbie Dunn. The Sub Q port is implanted underneath the collar bone above the healthy breast. It is about the size of a quarter. The narrow tubing, called a catheter, is implanted into the Subcutaneous vein near the lung. Using a Huber Needle, chemo will be inserted directly into the Sub Q Port. The chemo will run through the Sub Q Port, through the catheter tube, and into the veins. This saves your arm from being stuck over and over again with a needle.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to use skits to teach about being better listeners – Skit 4 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is to be a good listener when it is the other person’s turn to talk.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach about using better body language – Skit 3 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is make certain that they are not using bad body language, facial expressions, or inappropriate hand gestures when they talk one-on-one or to a small or large group. Otherwise, the other person or people might get the wrong idea or feel that you are either mad, bored with their conversation, or that you don’t care what they have to say.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

Monday, January 11, 2010

How to use skits to teach making good observations – Skit 2 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is make good observations about when it is your turn to speak and when it is your turn to actively listen when it is someone else’s turn to speak.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to use skits to teach making good eye contact – Skit 1 of 13

One of the main things that all good communicators should do is make good eye contact with each other when you speak and actively listen when it is someone else’s turn to speak.

Here is a fun skit that will help illustrate this point for your students. The students will be directed to display a bad communication skill. Then the class will guess which technique they should have done to be better communicators.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

How to become a better communicator via fun role-play called “Goofy Jane”

Eighteen-year-old Jane is training to be a singer, dancer, and actress so she can become a Hollywood movie star. She nearly blows her chance to fulfill her dream as she breaks every communication skill rule with a Hollywood agent by the name of Mr. Headworthy.

Feel free to read or download this role-play at the link included in the resource section. It is provided by Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons, the School Conflict Resolution Examiner for She posts free stories, role-plays, articles, and lesson plans on the subjects of Conflict Resolution and coping with bullies.

In any case, this ‘how to’ article teaches some ways to become a better communicator by striving to NOT do any of things done by Goofy Jane. After all, Goofy, Goofy, Goofy Jane. No one’s as goofy as Jane! Are they? Goofy Jane! Goofy Jane! No one’s as goofy as Jane.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock

A little girl named Sadie finds a tiny cave alcove with a small pulsating rock nearby she calls Strange Rock. Each day, Strange Rock grows bigger. One day, it grows so big, Sadie is trapped inside. Who will save Little Sadie before it is too late?

* Click CHAPTER 1 to read the first part of the story called “The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock.”

* Click CHAPTER 2 to read the last part of the story called “The Rescue of Little Sadie and Cousin Rock.”

How to invest your energy more productively – from PINS to PIPS

Are you facing a challenge that appears daunting? Perhaps you wish to lose weight. Perhaps you are dealing with a cranky boss or co-workers. Perhaps you are facing a health issue such as breast cancer, heart disease, ruptured discs, or some other issue. Perhaps you are a victim of bullying at school or at work. Perhaps you are an athlete and there is a big game or race or event coming up. Whatever your issue, it can be handled and well-being can and will abound. Learn how you can invest your energy productively – from PINS to PIPS.

Click on POSITIVE ENERGY to read this article on Yahoo voices.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

K-W-L Model discussion for Communication Skills role-play: Goofy Jane

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about the techniques used by good communicators? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about the techniques used by good communicators?

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for Goofy Jane

There are six levels in the Bloom’s Taxonomy discussion question process. After participating in the “Goofy Jane” role-play, the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to go through a Breast Biopsy with the least amount of pain and stress

Should your diagnostic mammogram reveal that your breast lump might indicate that you have breast cancer, the doctor will conduct a breast biopsy as soon as possible. The breast biopsy takes thirty to forty-five minutes. Here are some steps you can take to survive the Breast Biopsy with the least amount of pain and stress.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

How to take the Necessary First Steps should you Discover a Lump in your Breast

If you suddenly discover that you have a small or large lump in your breast, these are the necessary first steps that you should take.

Click BREAST CANCER to read the entire article on

Communication Skills writing assignment: Goofy Jane

Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Communication Skills role-play called “Goofy Jane.”

Link to Communication Skills Role-Play: After participating in the role-play called “Goofy Jane,” have the students answer the following questions. Links to the lesson plan included at the end of the article.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to see the list of questions that students will write about.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Communication Skills role-play: Goofy Jane

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Goofy Jane.” Students participate in scripted role-play called “Goofy Jane.”

Role-Play Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about the need for using good communication skills when interacting with other people. This comic story called “Goofy Jane” demonstrates the pitfalls that can happen when you do not follow the simple rules of being a good communicator. Eighteen-year-old Jane is training to be a singer, dancer, and actress so she can become a Hollywood movie star. She nearly blows her chance to fulfill her dream as she breaks every communication skill rule with a Hollywood agent by the name of Mr. Headworthy. Read the role-play called “Goofy Jane” to find out what happens.

Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read and download the role-play.

Friday, January 1, 2010

How to Negotiate Controversial Discussions With These Three Easy Ground Rules

Dealing with controversial topics can be a challenge for two people with opposing belief systems. How do you express your views fully and without fear of reprisal when the other person is ready to pounce upon every idea with armed argument of his or her own? Can this conversation take place without raised voices and increased pulse rates? Can you both survive this unveiling of views without hurt feelings or injured pride? Is this a pipe dream or can this truly take place?
What is the best way to negotiate controversial discussions? It can happen with a set of three previously-agreed upon ground rules.

Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article on Yahoo Voices.

Anatomy of a Couple Squabble that could have become a War

Little squabbles between couples have the potential to become big in the blink of an eye. If you do not practice “constant vigilance,” as Professor Moody would say in the fourth book of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, a small tiff could turn into a drawn-out battle.

Examine with me the anatomy of this couple squabble that could have become a war.

Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.