Monday, May 31, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for If You’re My Friend, Just Let It Be

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "If You’re My Friend, Just Let It Be," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click PEER MEDIATION to read the article on

Friday, May 28, 2010

Conducting a Peer Mediation Program in your School

Should your elementary or middle school wish to conduct a Peer Mediation program, a scripted role-play describing the Peer Mediation process is provided. Additionally, a copy of the Peer Mediation Contract is included that the two disputants will sign after going through the Peer Mediation process.

1. Peer Mediation Step-by-Step Process: This includes an eight-page script revealing the step-by-step process of any given Peer Mediation session. The final page of this PDF file is a copy of the Peer Mediation Contract.

Click PEER MEDIATION to read and download the Peer Mediation Step-by-Step Process Role-Play on

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Peer Mediation Role-Play: If You’re My Friend, Just Let It Be

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “If You’re My Friend, Just Let It Be.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “If You’re My Friend, Just Let It Be.”

Story Description: After a Peer Mediation session has concluded, the participants are cautioned to keep the session completely confidential. See what the two disputants do to get their friends from trying to get them to reveal what happened during the procedure.

Click PEER MEDIATION to read and download this role-play on

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Peer Mediation Role-Play between Marvin & Dan

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Peer Mediation Role-Play between Marvin & Dan.” This role-play demonstrates how the Peer Mediation process works.

Click PEER MEDIATION to read and download the role-play from

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fight or Flight Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8) – Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for "Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs." Links to all six sections of the lesson are included.

Click FIGHT OR FLIGHT to read the entire lesson plan posted on

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click FIGHT OR FLIGHT to read the entire article on

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Group Role-Plays that Solve the Problem

After students have participated in the role-play called “Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs,” the class will create some group role-plays that solve the problem of being put down by others

Click FIGHT OR FLIGHT to read the entire article on

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fight or Flight role-play: Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs.”

Story Description: Wayne and Melinda are tired of being put down. They both decide to use some humorous retorts to help them defuse the conflict. The humorous retorts are so successful that they start teaching these techniques to some of their friends. Perhaps some of these ideas will work for you and your friends as well.

Click FIGHT OR FLIGHT to read and download the role-play on

Friday, May 14, 2010

Conflict Resolution 101: Interview- Community Concert at Univ. of Oregon to help heal Discrimination

Introduction: During the winter of 2010, the University of Oregon sustained a grievous act of discrimination. What happened? A giant swastika was spray painted across the floor of the LGBTQA building (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Alliance). This triggered campus-wide concern about their safety and acts of hate. Read this interview with Lauren Short to discover what the students of this school are going to do to help end the school year on a positive note.

Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire interview on

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fight or Flight Hub page for Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs

Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach your students some potential humorous retorts they can use when other kids attempt to put them down. It might just help them to thicken their skin to put-downs. Wayne and Melinda are tired of being put down. They both decide to use some humorous retorts to help them defuse the conflict. The humorous retorts are so successful that they start teaching these techniques to some of their friends. Perhaps some of these ideas will work for you and your friends as well. The humorous retorts used in this story came from an actual Chicago social worker who worked at a school for unwed girls. I met her on a cruise we both took. She shared with me several ideas to help kids thicken their skin to put-downs.

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs.”

B. Story Description: Wayne and Melinda are tired of being put down. They both decide to use some humorous retorts to help them defuse the conflict. The humorous retorts are so successful that they start teaching these techniques to some of their friends. Perhaps some of these ideas will work for you and your friends as well.

Links to all 4 chapters for Thicken Your Skin to Put-Downs

Chapter 1: Introducing Lucas and Wayne

Chapter 2: Introducing Melinda, Aunt Sherry, and Tiffany

Chapter 3: Melinda spreads the word to Joyce and Wayne

Chapter 4: One more time with Lucas

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Diplomacy Lesson Plan (Grades 4-8) – Johnny and Susan

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for "Johnny and Susan." Links to all seven sections of the lesson are included.

Click DIPLOMACY to read the entire lesson plan on

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Diplomacy writing assignment: Johnny and Susan

Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Diplomacy tale called “Johnny and Susan.”

Click DIPLOMACY to read the entire article on

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for Johnny and Susan

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Johnny and Susan," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click DIPLOMACY to read the entire article on

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Diplomacy role-play: Johnny and Susan

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Johnny and Susan.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Johnny and Susan.”

Story Description: Johnny and Susan are a brother and sister who cannot seem to get along. Everything changes for the better after their mother teaches Susan how to use ‘I Messages’ (i.e., Diplomatic ‘I’ Statements) with her big brother instead of using Accusing ‘You’ Statements.

Click DIPLOMACY to read and download the role-play on

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Diplomacy Tale called Johnny and Susan

Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about the need to be diplomatic with your family members, your school mates, and the other people in your life. Johnny and Susan are a brother and sister who cannot seem to get along. Everything changes for the better after their mother teaches Susan how to use ‘I Messages’ (i.e., Diplomatic ‘I’ Statements) with her big brother instead of using Accusing ‘You’ Statements.

Section 4: Johnny and Susan

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Johnny and Susan.”

Click DIPLOMACY to read the entire story on

Friday, May 7, 2010

Conflict Resolution 101 – Introducing Diplomacy

Download and print these two diplomacy posters for classroom use. Afterward, involve your class in a discussion about the differences between Accusing You Statements and Diplomatic I Statements also known as ‘I Messages’.

Click DIPLOMACY to download posters and to read the entire article on

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Examiner Bio Conflict Resolution 101: Microphone Usage & Role-Play Procedures

Classroom Set-Up Suggestions

Note to the Teacher: Here are several suggestions for an ideal classroom set-up to teach students to get comfortable with oral speaking, character education, and conflict resolution.

Click CLASSROOM SET-UP & MICROPHONE USAGE to read the entire article on

Conflict Resolution 101: How to use K-W-L Model to begin and end every lesson

The concept of the K-W-L Model was created by Donna M. Ogle in 1986. The K-W-L is an acronym for three key questions. You ask two of the questions at the beginning of the lesson. The K question asks “What do you KNOW about the given lesson topic?” The W question asks “What do you WANT TO KNOW about the given lesson topic?”

At the end of the lesson, the L question is asked. This question asks “What have you LEARNED about that given lesson topic?”

Click K-W-L MODEL to read the entire article on

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Communication Skills Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8) – Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for "Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling." Links to all eight sections of the lesson are included.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire lesson plan on

Monday, May 3, 2010

Communication Skills writing assignment: Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling

Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Communication Skills tale called “Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling.”

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on

Saturday, May 1, 2010

K-W-L Model discussion for Dennis Learns about Responsible Reporting Versus Tattling or Snitching

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about responsible reporting versus tattling or snitching? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about responsible reporting versus tattling or snitching?

Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article on