Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Character Education skits: Be part of the Solution

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the twelve (12) skits to print for classroom use. It is called “Be part of the Solution Skits.”

A. After taking part in the following two discussions, the class will act out the twelve skits described in the PDF file available for downloading near the end of this article.

Discussion #1: K-W-L Model discussion: Be part of the Solution

Discussion #2: Bloom's Taxonomy discussion questions for ‘Be part of the Solution’

B. Students participate in acting out the twelve (12) skits called “Be part of the Solution Skits.”

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read and download the 12 Character Education skits on

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy discussion questions for ‘Be part of the Solution’

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading the quote that states "Don't be part of the Problem. Be part of the Solution," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Character Education writing assignment: Be part of the Solution

Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Character Education poster: “Don’t be part of the Problem. Be part of the Solution.”

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Monday, June 28, 2010

K-W-L Model discussion: Be part of the Solution

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about the quotation on this Character Education poster? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about the quotation on this Character Education poster?

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Character Education Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8) – How the Tortoise Got Cracks in his Shell

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for "How the Tortoise Got Cracks in his Shell." Links to all six sections of the lesson are included.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Character Education role-play: How the Tortoise Got Cracks in His Shell

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-plays to print for classroom use. It is called “How the Tortoise Got Cracks in His Shell.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “How the Tortoise Got Cracks in His Shell.”

Story Description: The Grandmothers of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya tell stories to teach the children important lessons like don't be greedy. One of those children, Ann Njeri Mwangi, orally shared this tale with me in 1990. Many of the birds were invited to a party in Heaven. Tortoise convinced them that a way must be found to bring him along as he was such a Sweet Talker. Read about his elaborate con job. Listen to this Character Education tale and see if you agree it also has a strong message about the necessity of being a strong Leader and Trustworthy.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read and download the role-play on

Friday, June 25, 2010

Character Education story: How the Tortoise Got Cracks in his Shell

I. Read Character Education story: How the Tortoise Got Cracks in his Shell

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “How the Tortoise Got Cracks in His Shell.”

B. Story Description: The Grandmothers of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya tell stories to teach the children important lessons like don't be greedy. One of those children, Ann Njeri Mwangi, orally shared this tale with me in 1990. Many of the birds were invited to a party in Heaven. Tortoise convinced them that a way must be found to bring him along as he was such a Sweet Talker. Read about his elaborate con job. Listen to this Character Education tale and see if you agree it also has a strong message about the necessity of being a strong Leader and Trustworthy.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire story on

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Character Education Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8) – Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for "Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare." Links to all eight sections of the lesson are included.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

K-W-L Model discussion: How the Tortoise Got Cracks in his Shell

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about the Character Education traits of Leadership and Trustworthiness? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about the Character Education traits of Leadership and Trustworthiness?

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ten (10) ways to turn a Negative into a Positive when a child dies

Between the ages of 11 to 13, I faced the loss of three children. One was from my class. The other was a local girl. The third was my eight-year-old cousin. How do you turn such a tragic negative into a positive when a child dies?

Click HEAL ANYTHING to read the entire article on

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Conflict Resolution 101: Changing a Negative into a Positive – Relay for Life

Introduction: How can you turn a negative into a positive when it comes to cancer? The American Cancer Society reports that one in three people will end up battling some form of cancer in their lifetime. Here is how many people from Greeneville, Tennessee worked to turn a negative into a positive with all their combined efforts associated with the June 2010 Greene County Relay for Life.

Click RELAY FOR LIFE to read the entire article on

Lesson Objectives for teaching about Character Education concepts

Section 1: Lesson Objectives for Teaching about Character Education.

Clicking on this resource link leads you to the following 10 items:
(A) Character Traits Addressed
(B) Conflict Resolution Strategies Addressed
(C) Other Concepts Addressed
(D) Cognitive/Instructional Objectives
(E) Emotional Objectives
(F) Behavioral Objectives
(G) Glossary Of Terms
(H) Lesson Length
(I) Links for Teaching Posters for Classroom Use
(J) Links for all the Character Education stories and lesson plans.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Monday, June 21, 2010

K-W-L Model discussion: Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about the Character Education traits of Justice and being Responsible? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about the Character Education traits of Justice and being Responsible?

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Character Education writing assignment: Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Character Education tale called “Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare.”

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions for Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire article on

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Character Education role-play: Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-plays to print for classroom use. It is called “Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare.”

Story Description: The Grandmothers of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya tell stories to teach the children important lessons like don't be greedy. One of those children, Ann Njeri Mwangi, orally shared this tale with me in 1990. Hyena helps Hare find a cub-sitting job for Queen Lion. Unfortunately, Hyena demands a very unreasonable reward in exchange. Listen to this Character Education tale and see if you agree it also has a strong message about Justice and about being Responsible.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read and download the role-play on

Friday, June 18, 2010

Character Education Tale: Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

I. Read Character Education story: Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Animal Justice for the Hyena and the Hare.”

B. Story Description: The Grandmothers of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya tell stories to teach the children important lessons like don't be greedy. One of those children, Ann Njeri Mwangi, orally shared this tale with me in 1990. Hyena helps Hare find a cub-sitting job for Queen Lion. Unfortunately, Hyena demands a very unreasonable reward in exchange. Listen to this Character Education tale and see if you agree it also has a strong message about Justice and about being Responsible.

Click CHARACTER EDUCATION to read the entire story on

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Conflict Resolution 101: Taking your anti-bullying efforts to the next level

Introduction: As an adult, you may have been the recipient of work-place bullying. Here is a description of how you can take your anti-bullying efforts to the next level.

Click ANTI-BULLYING to read the entire article on

Monday, June 14, 2010

Let’s Discuss Grades 3-6 Tale: A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother

After reading the story called “A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother,” hold a class discussion using these twenty-four discussion questions. You can also act the story out by using the scripted role-play provided.

Click MEDIATION, NEGOTIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire article on

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Role-Play for grades 3 to 6: A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play for grades 3 to 6 to print for classroom use called “A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother.”

Story Description: Here is a story you can use to help teach about how the Mediation process works for grades 3 to 6. It is also a role-play that teaches a way to compromise with each other so you can come up with a WIN-WIN solution that pleases both disputants. Third-grader Ellen wanted to eat chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Her mother insisted on serving her a more nourishing breakfast. Ellen was so disappointed about her breakfast choice that she only ate a few bites, glared at her mother, and refused to give her a hug and kiss good-bye before leaving for school. At lunchtime, Ellen visited the guidance counselor to request a Mediation session after school that day with her mother. The guidance counselor called up Ellen’s mother. She definitely agreed to come. Read the story to hear what WIN-WIN agreement got worked out between mother and daughter.

Click MEDIATION, NEGOTIATION, & ARBITRATION to read and download the role-play on

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tale Hub page for A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother (Grades 3-6)

Here is a story you can use to help teach about how the Mediation process works for grades 3 to 6. It is also a role-play that teaches a way to compromise with each other so you can come up with a WIN-WIN solution that pleases both disputants. Third-grader Ellen wanted to eat chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Her mother insisted on serving her a more nourishing breakfast. Ellen was so disappointed about her breakfast choice that she only ate a few bites, glared at her mother, and refused to give her a hug and kiss good-bye before leaving for school. At lunchtime, Ellen visited the guidance counselor to request a Mediation session after school that day with her mother. The guidance counselor called up Ellen’s mother. She definitely agreed to come. Read the story to hear what WIN-WIN agreement got worked out between mother and daughter.

I. Read Basic Needs story: A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother.”

B. Story Description: Third-grader Ellen wanted to eat chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Her mother insisted on serving her a more nourishing breakfast. Ellen was so disappointed about her breakfast choice that she only ate a few bites, glared at her mother, and refused to give her a hug and kiss good-bye before leaving for school. At lunchtime, Ellen visited the guidance counselor to request a Mediation session after school that day with her mother. The guidance counselor called up Ellen’s mother. She definitely agreed to come. Read the story to hear what WIN-WIN agreement got worked out between mother and daughter.

Links to both chapters for A Mediation session for Ellen and her Mother

Chapter 1: Ellen sets up a Mediation session with the Guidance Counselor and her Mother

Chapter 2: The after school Mediation session takes place with the Guidance Counselor, Ellen, and Ellen’s Mother

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8)

This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for all role-plays and discussion activities focusing on Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration. Links to all twelve sections of the lesson are included.

Click NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire lesson plan on

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Create a Peer Mediation Role-Play using 1 of these 11 Ideas

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted activity packet and role-play to print for classroom use called “Create a Peer Mediation Role-Play using 1 of these 11 Ideas.” This activity is a sequel to “Peer Mediation Session for Stan and Susan.”

Click on PEER MEDIATION to read and download the role-play on

Monday, June 7, 2010

Role-Play Simulation: A Peer Mediation session between Stan and Susan

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “Peer Mediation Session for Stan and Susan.” This role-play is a sequel to “A Negotiation between Stan and Susan.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Peer Mediation Session for Stan and Susan.”

Story Description: This role-play called “Peer Mediation Session for Stan and Susan” illustrates the six steps of the Peer Mediation process.

Click PEER MEDIATION to read and download the role-play from

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Negotiation role-play: A Negotiation between Stan and Susan

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-play to print for classroom use called “A Negotiation between Stan and Susan.”

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “A Negotiation between Stan and Susan.”

Story Description: This role-play called “A Negotiation between Stan and Susan” illustrates the six-steps of the Negotiation process.

Click NEGOTIATION to read and download the role-play on

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Negotiation, Mediation, & Arbitration Vocabulary discussion for “A Negotiation between Stan & Susan"

Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration Vocabulary used in the stories and role-plays involving negotiation, mediation, peer mediation, and arbitration concepts. Class will discuss any still unclear Glossary of Terms.

Click NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire article on

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mediation Vocabulary discussion for "Peer Mediation Role-Play between Marvin and Dan"

This discussion on the six steps of the Mediation process will prepare the class for the role-play called “Peer Mediation Role-Play between Marvin and Dan."

Click MEDIATION, NEGOTIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire article on

Thursday, June 3, 2010

K-W-L Model discussion about Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration

Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at the beginning of the lesson: What do you KNOW and what do you WANT TO KNOW about Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you LEARNED about Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration?

Click NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire article on

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lesson Objectives for teaching about concepts of Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration

Section 1: Lesson Objectives for Teaching about Concepts of Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration.

Click NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, & ARBITRATION to read the entire article on