Monday, November 22, 2010

Mini Lesson Plan: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources (grades 6-8)

After reading the Perception story called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources,” students will take part in some follow-up activities to enhance the learning experience.

This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Perception writing assignment: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources

A. Instructional objective: Students will write about the following six Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions for the Perception tale called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

After reading the story called "Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources," get your students to respond to the following questions. Links to the lesson plan included at the end of the article.

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on

Friday, November 19, 2010

Perception role-play: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-plays to print for classroom use. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”   

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

Story Description: This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Perception story: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources

I. Read Perception story: Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

B. Story Description: This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire story on

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mini Lesson Plan: Jessica’s Painful Experience (grades 6-8)

After reading the Perception story called “Jessica’s Painful Experience,” students will take part in some follow-up activities to enhance the learning experience.

This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire lesson plan on

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perception role-play: Finding Jessica’s Jigsaw Puzzle Piece

Visit this page to get the link to the PDF file for the scripted role-plays to print for classroom use. It is called “Finding Jessica’s Jigsaw Puzzle Piece.” This role-play will also direct students in a writing activity that will assist them in figuring out what their jigsaw puzzle piece is all about as well.

Note to Teacher: Make certain that students have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil ready to be used in the last part of the role-play.

A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Finding Jessica’s Jigsaw Puzzle Piece.”

Story Description: This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.

Click PERCEPTION to read and download the role-play on

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bloom's Taxonomy Discussion Questions: Jessica’s Painful Experience

There are six levels in the Bloom's Taxonomy discussion question process. After reading "Jessica’s Painful Experience," the teacher will ask questions from all six levels.

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire article on

Perception story: Jessica’s Painful Experience

I. Read Perception story: Jessica’s Painful Experience

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jessica’s Painful Experience.”

B. Story Description: This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.

Click PERCEPTION to read the story on

Monday, November 1, 2010

Creative Writing: Compose Group Role-Play to Say Nice things instead of Mean

After hearing the story called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins,” students will divide into small groups to compose a story of their own. In their group role-play, there will be two siblings, a grandparent, and one or two narrators. The two siblings will have a name-calling conflict. Either a grandmother or grandfather will tell them a story that explains that something unpleasant will come out of their mouth or something negative thing will happen if they say mean things to each other. On the other hand, if they say nice things to each other, something pleasant will come out of their mouth or something positive will happen.

Click PERCEPTION to read the entire set of directions on