Monday, April 12, 2010

Info 101: Hub page for It takes a Community to deal with the Mob Mentality of a Gang of Bullies

When a young person faces relentless bullying by a gang of bullies, what can be done? Tragically, some of these young people make the decision to take their own life rather than continue to endure even one more day of that mob mentality campaign of passive and aggressive bullying. It helps only a little that this victim of bullying tries various tips and techniques to avoid bullying. In order to stop a gang of kids intent on making the life of another as miserable as possible, it takes a whole community to step in before it is too late.

Please be aware that the frontal lobe in our brains are not fully developed until the age of 21 or 22. The frontal lobe houses our impulse control. Why is this important? Bullies tend to give in to many or all of their impulses to continue with their bullying campaign against their selected targets. If a young person is a target of their bullying and has an especially bad day, he or she could potentially follow the impulse to commit suicide rather than face being bullied even one more day.

If you or somebody you care about is being targeted by a gang of bullies, do not despair or give up. Even if it does not seem like it, there are things that can be done to help you. There are also many people who care deeply about your fate including the author of this article. You can take as evidence the massive outcry as a result of the catastrophic suicide of Phoebe Prince in January of 2010. If she had guessed that so many people would rally around her at her time of need, would she have made a different choice?

The biggest lesson to be learned is that young people who are the target of bullying by a group larger than two or three are going to have a very hard time doing anything on their own. It is our responsibility to step in to help.

Who are the people who should help when bullying takes place?

It takes a community to deal with the mob mentality of a gang of bullies. The victim of bullying has steps he or she can take to not appear like a victim or an easy target ; however, there are other people who also must take responsibility. Who are the people who should help?

Click BE BULLY FREE to read the entire article on

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