This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for “Fred learns to make Good Observations.” Links to all nine sections of the lesson are included.
Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire lesson plan.
This blog contains conflict resolution and coping-with-bullies stories, role-plays, articles, and lesson plans.
Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire lesson plan.
Clicking on this resource link leads you to the following 10 items:
(A) Character Traits Addressed
(B) Conflict Resolution Strategies Addressed
(C) Other Concepts Addressed
(D) Cognitive/Instructional Objectives
(E) Emotional Objectives
(F) Behavioral Objectives
(G) Glossary Of Terms
(H) Lesson Length
(I) Links for Teaching Posters for Classroom Use
(J) Links for all the Communication Skills stories and lesson plans.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the rest of the article.
Debbie’s 2nd novel was published in December of 2009 called White Reindeer, Kudzu Monster, & Other Tales Of Wonder. For more information about this book, please visit Her first novel called The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist was published in March 2008. For more information about this book, please visit Both books were written under her pen name of DJ Lyons.
Lastly, Debbie has the honor of being the School Conflict Resolution Examiner for at the national level. She posts free stories, role-plays, articles, and lesson plans on the topics of bullying, conflict resolution, and character education from the curriculum she created from 1998 to 2003 called 3 C’s: Character Education, Conflict Resolution, Communication Skills. Feel free to use any of these articles, stories, and role-plays with the young people in your life. Please visit She also writes articles for Associated,, and other sites.
Click on COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read the entire article.
Sakwinder Narwal just loves to fish. In this day and age, with all the conflict, terrorist threats, and risky economy, I can see why fishing would be something that he would really relish doing. He could relax. He could focus on water ripples, the excitement of wondering which fish he might catch, the dilemma of which fishing lure might be most enticing, and the thrill of deciding where he might travel next to do this fishing.
Sakwinder Narwal has gone to such places as Dixon Lake in California, Apalachicola River in the Florida Panhandle, several Florida Keys islands, Lake George in New York, the Delaware River in New Jersey, a marshy areas in Louisiana, and lots of other locations stateside and internationally. That must be a very enjoyable pastime. Not only do you get to see and explore all these various locations, you can also speak intelligently about what kind of fish populate each area.
I never did any fishing myself other than catching crayfish in the creek in our back yard. My husband enjoyed fishing with his uncle. My brother used to fish as part of one of their Cub Scout field trips. It makes me wonder how Sakwinder Narwal gained his passion for fishing? Did he get it from a relative, a club or group, or was he just born that way. Was it in his genes? In any case, fishing and obviously traveling to all these exotic and beautiful locations are two of his great passions.
Picture is from Animation I have been a member of that group for the last few years. Enjoy!
Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read both the teacher’s questions and the students’ answers.
Link to Communication Skills story: After reading the story called “Fred learns to make Good Observations,” have the students answer the following questions.
Click on CONFLICT RESOLUTION to see the questions to write about.
Story Description: This role-play called “Fred learns to make Good Observations” illustrates the importance of making good observations about when it is your turn to talk and when you should be simply listening or keeping quiet.
Click COMMUNICATION SKILLS to read and download the scripted role-play.
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Fred learns to make Good Observations.”
B. Story Description: This story called “Fred learns to make Good Observations” illustrates the importance of making good observations about when it is your turn to talk and when you should be simply listening or keeping quiet.
Links to all 5 chapters for Fred learns to make Good Observations
Chapter 1 of 5: Fred gets in trouble with his teacher
Chapter 2 of 5: Fred gets in trouble with his friend Rob
Chapter 3 of 5: Fred gets in trouble with two girls
Chapter 4 of 5: Fred gets in trouble with his mother
Chapter 5 of 5: Fred repairs his relationships by practicing making good observations
This week only, if you put in the coupon code of “Merry50″, you can buy the book for 50% off plus $.99 shipping if you don’t mind waiting for 5 to 21 days. After this week, it is back to its full price of $22.95 plus shipping.
My Bell Witch book can be found at this link. They sell it for $24.95. Once again, this week only, if you put in the coupon code of “Merry50″, you can get it at 50% off as well plus shipping.
For more information on my Bell Witch book, you can visit my Bell Witch book & show website. For more information on my White Reindeer book, you can visit my White Reindeer book & show website.
Happy Holidays to all of you. With much love,
Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons
Click SELF-MENTORING to read the entire lesson plan.
Read Chapter 1 – Jacob deliberates on how to respond to Shane’s name-calling
Read Chapter 2: Jacob gets some good ideas from Courtney and Beth
Read Chapter 3: Jacob transforms a LOSE-LOSE confrontation with Shane into a WIN-WIN
Click Main Idea Discussion Questions - Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom to see the questions and answers.
Story Description: This role-play demonstrates some different ways to Self-Mentor. It is called “Jacob listens to his Inner Wisdom.” Shane calls Jacob a bad name. Jacob must quickly decide how he will react. He not only recalls advice from a teacher, a friend, and his sisters, he tunes into his Inner Wisdom to select the response that will transform a LOSE-LOSE situation to a WIN-WIN.
Click on SELF-MENTORING to read and download the role-play.
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom.”
B. Story Description: Shane calls Jacob a bad name. Jacob must quickly decide how he will react. He not only recalls advice from a teacher, a friend, and his sisters, he tunes into his Inner Wisdom to select the response that will transform a LOSE-LOSE situation to a WIN-WIN.
Links to all 3 chapters for Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom
Chapter 1 of 3 – Jacob deliberates on how to respond to Shane’s name-calling
Chapter 2 of 3: Jacob gets some good ideas from Courtney and Beth
Chapter 3 of 3: Jacob transforms a LOSE-LOSE confrontation with Shane into a WIN-WIN
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
* Five Bloom’s Taxonomy questions from levels 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
* Level 4 – Ask the twelve Analysis Questions.
A. Students participate in scripted role-play called “Jesse needs to learn to set firm boundaries.”
Story Description: When you are called a name, you have two options: Make the good character choice to self-mentor or allow your heart and reputation to be harmed. Listen to the character choices made by the three seventh-grade boys you will hear about in this next role-play called “Jesse Needs To Learn To Set Firm Boundaries.”
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read and/or download the role-play.
A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jesse needs to learn to set firm boundaries.”
B. Story Description: Just like Hyena in the story called “Hyena’s dilemma at a fork in the path,” people have many fork-in-the-road decisions to make throughout the day. Some choices seem to spell out that this is a person of good character. Other choices seem to spell out that these are people who either haven’t made up their mind what kind of character they wish to have, or they are people who are deliberately making choices that they know to be wrong. Listen to the character choices made by the three seventh-grade boys you will hear about in this next story called “Jesse Needs To Learn To Set Firm Boundaries.”
Links to all 3 chapters for Jesse needs to learn to set firm boundaries
Chapter 1 of 3 – “Sticks and Stones may break my Bones” and Words sure can Hurt!
Chapter 2 of 3 – Jesse nurses and nurtures his feelings of hurt and betrayal
Chapter 3 of 3 – Demonstrating the Warrior Spirit: Internal Empowerment Regardless of the External Situation
This is the Lesson Plan Hub page for “Hyena’s dilemma at a fork in the path.” Links to all nine sections of the lesson are included.
Click SELF-MENTORING to read the rest of the article.
Lesson Objectives for Teaching about Self-Mentoring Concepts. Clicking on this resource link leads you to the following 10 items:
(A) Character Traits Addressed
(B) Conflict Resolution Strategies Addressed
(C) Other Concepts Addressed
(D) Cognitive/Instructional Objectives
(E) Emotional Objectives
(F) Behavioral Objectives
(G) Glossary Of Terms
(H) Lesson Length
(I) Links for Teaching Posters for Classroom Use
(J) Links for all the Self-Mentoring stories and lesson plans
Click SELF-MENTORING to read the rest of the article.
Self-Mentoring Vocabulary used in several of the Conflict Resolution tales. Class will discuss any still unclear Glossary of Terms.
Click SELF-MENTORING to read the rest of the article.
Class will discuss the K & W of the K-W-L Model at beginning of lesson: What do you know and what do you want to know about why Self-Mentoring yourself is a form of demonstrating good Character Traits? At the end of the lesson, they will close with the L discussion: What have you learned about why Self-Mentoring yourself is a form of demonstrating good Character Traits?
Click SELF-MENTORING to read the rest of the article.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to link to all six levels of the discussion questions.
Instructional objective: Students will write about the six levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy Discussion Questions for the Self-Mentoring tale called “Hyena’s dilemma at a fork in the path.”
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
The story is called “Hyena’s dilemma at a fork in the path.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Chapter 3 of 3 – Here’s the discussion questions built into the story as Freeze Frame moments. This will help your students get the full benefit from the story. The story will end with a Popcorn Review to help students process the full impact of the story. What’s the story about? Jason is offended and angry that Blake put him down. The rest of the morning went from bad to worse. At lunch, his best friend Lee taught him how to use the SPAM method of anger management and Stairstep Thinking to psych himself into feeling better again.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Chapter 2 of 3 – Here’s the discussion questions built into the story as Freeze Frame moments. This will help your students get the full benefit from the story as it progresses. What’s the story about? Jason is offended and angry that Blake put him down. The rest of the morning went from bad to worse. At lunch, his best friend Lee taught him how to use the SPAM method of anger management and Stairstep Thinking to psych himself into feeling better again.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
Chapter 1 of 3 – Here’s the discussion questions built into the story as Freeze Frame moments. This will help your students get the full benefit from the story as it progresses. What’s the story about? Jason is offended and angry that Blake put him down. The rest of the morning went from bad to worse. At lunch, his best friend Lee taught him how to use the SPAM method of anger management and Stairstep Thinking to psych himself into feeling better again.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.
As a teacher, you can use this article to stimulate class discussion. As a person seeking a method of anger management that could help, read this article and see if it works for you.
Click CONFLICT RESOLUTION to read the entire article.