Saturday, December 19, 2009

Self-Mentoring Tale Hub: Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom

Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about the need for Self-Mentoring when you are a victim of name-calling. The way you choose to respond can either lead to a LOSE-LOSE confrontation where both people feel like they lost, a WIN-LOSE confrontation where only one person feels like the victor, or a WIN-WIN confrontation where both people manage to come out feeling like winners. In this story called “Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom,” Jacob not only manages to recall advice from a teacher, a friend, and his sisters, he tunes into his Inner Wisdom to select the response that will transform a LOSE-LOSE situation to a WIN-WIN.

A. Teacher reads story to the class called “Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom.”

B. Story Description: Shane calls Jacob a bad name. Jacob must quickly decide how he will react. He not only recalls advice from a teacher, a friend, and his sisters, he tunes into his Inner Wisdom to select the response that will transform a LOSE-LOSE situation to a WIN-WIN.

Links to all 3 chapters for Jacob Listens to his Inner Wisdom

Chapter 1 of 3 – Jacob deliberates on how to respond to Shane’s name-calling

Chapter 2 of 3: Jacob gets some good ideas from Courtney and Beth

Chapter 3 of 3: Jacob transforms a LOSE-LOSE confrontation with Shane into a WIN-WIN

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