Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Learning how to be Bully Free: Middle school anger management lesson plans

To help promote students learning anti-bullying techniques, here are seven (7) anger management lesson plans appropriate for grades five to eight.

Each lesson includes nine sections:

Section 1: Lesson Objectives
Section 2: K-W-L MODEL discussion (‘K’ and ‘W’ questions)
Section 3: Vocabulary
Section 4: Story
Section 5: Popcorn Review
Section 6: Role-Play
Section 7: Bloom’s Taxonomy discussion questions
Section 8: Writing assignment
Section 9: K-W-L MODEL discussion (‘L’ questions)

These field-tested lessons are totally self-contained. They come with teaching posters and role-play downloads – all for FREE. Everything you need is there for you simply by clicking on the links. Feel free to copy and paste them onto your computer so that you can use them with your classroom students.

One of the ways students learn about character education techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and anti-bullying processes is to try them on for size. Through the use of engaging stories and fun role-plays about realistic middle school students, young people start to incorporate the concepts taught in each lesson.

These lessons were all utilized in a class called ‘Communication Skills’. The author, Debbie Dunn, taught over 500 middle school students (Grades 5-8) a year for five years until a budget-cut eliminated many of the school’s special extracurricular programs. During that time period, she created over 3000 pages of curriculum based on real middle school conflict resolution and anti-bullying issues.

For the benefit of middle school students, middle school teachers, guidance counselors, and concerned parents, the author posts many of these lesson plans on Feel free to subscribe to Debbie Dunn’s school conflict resolution Examiner page should you wish to keep abreast of each lesson as it gets posted.


Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Angry Blake
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about Anger Triggers, Anger Cues, our Fight or Flight Instinct, and Self-Mentoring techniques. The story is called “Angry Blake.” Blake was filled with fury. You could have cut the tension between his parents with a knife. They yelled at each other half the night, as Blake lay trembling and angry in his room. At school, he felt the need to vent that anger on some of the other students.
Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Control your anger with SPAM
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about a unique Anger Management method. The story is called “Control Your Anger With SPAM.” Emily and Mike have a great deal of trouble keeping control of their temper. A guidance counselor teach them a method of Anger Management that works called SPAM, like the meat, only it is not something to eat. (S.P.A.M. = Stop-Ponder-Appreciate-Moment)
Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Her First Kiss
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about resolving conflict with friends.

It is normal and natural to feel angry or sad when someone disrespects you in some way. What do you do if you are the person who is in the wrong? How do you make amends if you realize that you are the one who accidentally or purposely mistreated a friend?

Here is a true story about a sixth-grade girl named Debbie who did just that. There will be two role-plays to follow that tie in with this story. The discussion questions are built into each role-play, so other than a Popcorn Review, there will be no additional discussion questions at the end. The story is called “Her First Kiss.”

Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Matt Falsely Accuses Jonathan of Stealing
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about Anger Triggers, Anger Cues, our Fight or Flight Instinct, and Self-Mentoring techniques. This story is about a boy not only making a false accusation of a good friend, he punches him in the nose. Will his friend agree to forgive him? Find out in the story called “Matt falsely accuses Jonathan of Stealing.”
Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Pranks, Idle Threats, & Promises
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about Anger Triggers, Anger Cues, and Anger Management techniques. This story demonstrates that it is not appropriate to make threats or promises to administer bodily harm at school. The action of making threats or pulling pranks can often backfire as it did for Greg, Tim, and Bruce in this story called “Pranks, Idle Threats, and Promises.”
Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Sam Self-Mentors versus Psychological Warfare
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach about Anger Triggers, Anger Cues, and Anger Management techniques. The story is called “Sam Self-Mentors rather than giving in to Psychological Warfare.” Sam was overwhelmed. Due to his Dad’s drinking and rage, Mr. Duncan lost his job, his wife, and moved his son to a new town. Adding to all the other losses, Sam’s new best friend Drew deserted him to join Shawn’s gang. What will Sam do now that Shawn and his gang are starting to play their psychological warfare games on him?
Anger Management Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): SPAM and Stairstep Thinking
Story Description: Here is a story scenario you can use to help teach further details about a unique Anger Management method called S.P.A.M. The story is called “SPAM and Stairstep Thinking.” Jason is offended and angry that Blake put him down. The rest of the morning went from bad to worse. At lunch, his best friend Lee taught him how to use the SPAM method of anger management and Stairstep Thinking to psych himself into feeling better again.

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