Thursday, October 25, 2012

Learning how to be Bully Free: Middle school perception lesson plans

To help promote students learning anti-bullying techniques, here are twelve (12) perception lesson plans appropriate for grades five to eight.

Each lesson includes nine sections:

Section 1: Lesson Objectives
Section 2: K-W-L MODEL discussion (‘K’ and ‘W’ questions)
Section 3: Vocabulary
Section 4: Story
Section 5: Popcorn Review
Section 6: Role-Play
Section 7: Bloom’s Taxonomy discussion questions
Section 8: Writing assignment
Section 9: K-W-L MODEL discussion (‘L’ questions)

These field-tested lessons are totally self-contained. They come with teaching posters and role-play downloads – all for FREE. Everything you need is there for you simply by clicking on the links. Feel free to copy and paste them onto your computer so that you can use them with your classroom students.

One of the ways students learn about character education techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and anti-bullying processes is to try them on for size. Through the use of engaging stories and fun role-plays about realistic middle school students, young people start to incorporate the concepts taught in each lesson.

These lessons were all utilized in a class called ‘Communication Skills’. The author, Debbie Dunn, taught over 500 middle school students (Grades 5-8) a year for five years until a budget-cut eliminated many of the school’s special extracurricular programs. During that time period, she created over 3000 pages of curriculum based on real middle school conflict resolution and anti-bullying issues.

For the benefit of middle school students, middle school teachers, guidance counselors, and concerned parents, the author posts many of these lesson plans on Feel free to subscribe to Debbie Dunn’s school conflict resolution Examiner page should you wish to keep abreast of each lesson as it gets posted.


Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Christy and Laura Both Like Brandon
Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by one of my past seventh-grade students about two girls who liked the same guy. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Clever Angie Thinks Fast
Story Description: This Conflict Resolution story is based on an idea shared with me by a teacher who wished to remain anonymous. This is a love triangle story that actually happened to her when she was in the eighth grade. This story demonstrates the importance of checking your facts.
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins
Story Description: You each have a lot of personal power. The words you say are extremely powerful and have the power to harm or the power to heal or somewhere in between. This is illustrated in the story called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.” It is adapted from a Grimm’s Fairy Tale that you will hear told as part of this story. Please sit back and enjoy “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins.”
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Jessica's Painful Experience
Story Description: This story is fiction, but it is based on true events. The idea for the story came from a social worker who used to live in Knoxville, Tennessee. She had clients who had to get their stomach pumped due to either accidentally or purposely taking an overdose of pills or drugs. One of the points of the story is that if you cloud your vision or dull your senses by taking drugs or drinking alcohol, the world will lose out of all your special talents and abilities. Each of you is essential to making the world the best possible place it can be.
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Jessica and Tonya Combine Their Resources
Story Description: This story is a follow-up to two of the previous stories and role-plays called “Frogs and Newts or Gold Coins” and “Jessica’s Painful Experience.” It is about a time that Jessica and Tonya got together and combined their ideas and philosophies to help each other and themselves further their personal goals. It is called “Jessica and Tonya combine their Resources.”
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Julie's Big Challenge
Story Description: In this story, Julie was once again being verbally attacked about her excessive body weight. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she had learned from her father to be sorry for those kids. She felt great compassion for kids who only knew how to make themselves feel better by putting others down.
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Joshua's Experiment in sending Positive Peer Pressure
Story Description: Eighth grader Joshua was invited to a party at Dustin’s house. Dustin did his best to negatively peer pressure Joshua into drinking a beer. In return, Joshua did his best to positively peer pressure Dustin into drinking a Pepsi. Who will win?
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): The Confrontation
Story Description: Joshua’s best friend Zach leaned over to Dustin and complained about their classmate George asking a dumb question in math class. Later on, Dustin purposely told George what Zach had said about him. The next day, George found Zach and pushed and hit him in revenge before running off. Will the confrontation keep going, or will the boys find a way to make amends?
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Roxanne and Courtney Jump to the Wrong Conclusions
Story Description: The idea for this role-play came from three of my former seventh-grade students. It starts with a he said/she said situation where Roxanne and Courtney give this girl no chance to explain her side of the story. Instead they simply choose to believe the worst. Then there will be a re-role-play showing how the situation should actually have been handled. This role-play is called “Roxanne and Courtney Jump to the Wrong Conclusions.”
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Six Blind Men and the Elephant
Story Description: This is a parable from India that is re-told by Debbie Dunn.

When conflict arises, we have two options. We can choose to continue the conflict or to problem-solve. This parable from India deals with times when people misinterpret what is really going on and they jump to the wrong conclusions. In the case of this particular story, six blind men encounter an elephant. Listen for how each blind man perceives what an elephant looks like.

Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): The Misunderstanding
Story Description: The idea for this role-play came from one of my former seventh-grade students. It demonstrates the importance of checking your facts before jumping to conclusions when hearing a rumor.
Perception Lesson Plan (Grades 5-8): Wild Boar
Story Description: This short story will demonstrate the importance of not judging as we perceive the actions of others. It also demonstrates the FIGHT OR FLIGHT Instinct in action.

In this story, there is a wild boar. Who knows what a wild boar is? Watch the slideshow or video to see a picture of a wild boar drawn by a boy named T.J. Hutcheson when he was in the sixth grade.

Sometimes people do strange things and we get the totally wrong impression about them. That is the situation in this next story. Listen and notice what you find strange or different about the actions of the short man in this story called “The Tall Man and the Short Man.”


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